
Hi folks!!!! I am Gayathri Vignesh, a Software techie by profession and a classical dancer by passion. I am a bharathanatyam dancer and have been trained in this art form for more than 16 years. Since childhood, I spent my weekdays at school and college while the weekends were fully dedicated to dance. Yes, dance class was my second home. Time was just enough to balance my academics, dance and shows that I had no time to sneak peek into cooking. I had always believed that people who are blessed with special talent can only cook. I was and still am a great foodie, but that didn't persuade me even a wee bit to learn cooking until reality struck me very hard. Well, this may sound cliche but trust me this is hard core fact.  Yes, even before I could realize that I hadn't learnt ABC of cooking, I was hooked and in next 3 months I was married. Coming from a tambrahm family, ignorance in cooking was considered close to illiteracy: P My mother in law identified that I knew nothing in cooking in my very first kitchen session where I had to help her out. Being so generous and kind, she took over the job of cooking. How did cooking come into my life then?!!

Griha Bhojanam & its Inception: I and my husband used to go for lot of restaurants. He loves restaurant recipes more than traditional cooking. One fine weekend he asked me, why not try some of the restaurant recipes at home instead of traditional cooking. I liked the idea and with great enthusiasm, I started making selective and famous restaurant recipes at home. It became an instant hit. My joy knew no bounds and I was on cloud nine. Only then did I realize that cooking was something that anyone can attempt and is no rocket science. Now, cooking stays my second passion after dance. I enjoy it completely and it is a great weekend stress buster. I wanted to compile all my recipes for future reference and was looking out for a great place to store and share my recipes cum creativity with family and friends. Thus, Griha Bhojanam(Sanskrit:Griha=Home,Bhojanam=Food) came into existence. I am no cooking expert and am still a learner. I would like to connect with the blogging world to explore more into the art of cooking and field of food/food photography.

What can you find @ Griha Bhojanam: How about making your favorite restaurant recipes at home in a very simple and easier way. How about treating your friends and family at restaurant standards at your own home :)  Welcome to Griha Bhojanam. This is a pure vegetarian blog where you find recipes that are picked up from the menu cards of some of the renowned Veg. Fine dining restaurants. Watch out this space for more interesting combination of recipes with which you can set up your own restaurant style dinner, lunch or brunch for your buddies and family!!!. This does not mean GB refrains from traditional cooking. I will soon post it once I master it :).At the end, cooking is always a journey of learning and experimenting. I would like to share everything about food here. Please do watch out this space to know more about my food journey which is a continuous exploration:)

Technicalities: I received a new Nikon DSLR as my wedding gift from one of my family friends. I am slowly exploring into food photography using DSLR. Few of the photos are taken using mobile camera (taken before I received dslr) and they will soon be updated with new images.

Copyrights,Feedback & Suggestions:  Many of the recipes posted here are inspired, adapted and referred from several authors, however done in my own style and having improvisations from my side. In case, you want to use the content, due credit to Griha Bhojanam is required :).

As for the blog design, it is completely done by me. Since I knew some bit of html coding, I could tweak it to my requirement :P. The title header has been designed by my good friend Nitesh. Kindly refrain from re using the logo or any part of the image/title header.

Your comments and feedback is a great source of encouragement and motivation for me to move a step forward in my cooking journey. Please feel free to post your suggestions, appreciations and feedback in the comment box. Alternatively, you can write to grihabhojanam@gmail.com. Have a Blissful Cooking :) !!!!


  1. I guess most of the girls would be in a similar situation as yours. To develop culinary skills is an art by itself. All you need is a supportive famil, a foodie husband and a bunch of friends who.would love to hang out with a good home meal.You have all this so keep cooking and blogging. Way to Go Gayathri.

    This is a good initiative and helpful stuff for brides to be and grooms if interested.

    Looking forward for more on your blog.Keep up the good work and presentations.

    God bless...

  2. Gayathri great efforts and it shows clearly that passion towards a thing does not need time and age. Nly we need is the interest that u have surplus so keep up the good passion try many dishes differently accept suggestions from friends work on that u wil fly high. Al the very best Gayathri Vignesh

    1. Thanks Vivek... For all the support and encouragement!!
