Tuesday 14 November 2017

Cooking Al Dente Pasta

Cooking pasta al dente is definitely an art and comes only with repeated trial and error. Still some quick tips can definitely help you from overcooking/under cooking your pasta. When you over cook your pasta, it becomes too soft and mushy. That is not right. Neither should you under cook your pasta, which makes it raw and on the harder side when you bite it.
The right Al Dente pasta looks and feels firm, but when you bite it you will easily break it. This is the perfect state of an al dente pasta. Some of the pasta pack come with package instructions on how to cook them. Sometimes, these instructions may work out or may not. hence, it is essential that we know to cook rightly.


1. Take a large pan filled with water. Add salt such that the water tastes salty.

2. Bring the water to boil.

3. Now, add the raw pasta to the above pan and keep stirring occassionally.

4. Check the softness of the pasta at regular intervals.

5. When you are able to break the pasta easily with a bite and the pasta outside still looks       firm, thats when you need to drain the pasta.Drizzle some olive oil so that the pasta does not stick to each other.

6. Pasta Al Dente is now ready:)

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