Friday 24 July 2020

Homemade Pizza and Pasta Sauce (GB Special)

Why would one go for a store bought Pizza and Pasta sauce when the same can be made so easily at home with available ingredients?? The store bought pizza sauce have high amount of preservatives added that it almost kills the natural taste and flavor of the sauce. Ever since I started making these at home, there is no turning back. In case you do not have access to fresh bail or parsley leaves,you can very well use the dried ones that are readily available in the market. This can be stored in refrigerator for about a week. This can also be used as a dip for sandwich, breads and buns and trust me, it tastes amazing. Let's jump to the recipe.

Serves: 1 bowl


  1. Bangalore Tomatoes - 6
  2. Garlic Cloves Big - 8 ( alternatively you can use 4 tsp of garlic powder)
  3. Jalapenos - 5 slices ( for flavor and spice, however this is completely optional and you can skip if you don't have)
  4. Red Chilies - 3
  5. Kashmiri Red Chili Powder - 2 tsp (for nice color)
  6. Butter - 2 tbsp
  7. Olive Oil - 1 tbsp
  8. Tomato Sauce - 1 tbsp
  9. Sugar - 3/4 tsp
  10. Dried Parsley - 1 tsp
  11. Mixed Italian Herbs - 1 tsp (Dried Sage,Thyme,Rosemary,Marjoram)
  12. Dried Basil Leaves - 2 tsp
  13. Dried Oregano - 1 tsp
  14. Needed salt to taste


1. Blanch the tomatoes as mentioned here.

2. Spread the blanched tomatoes on a tray for them to cool down. Remove the seeds and roughly chop the tomatoes.

3. Grind the jalapenos, garlic and red chilies together in a grinder to form a puree.


4. Heat butter in a pan and add some Olive oil. Add the pureed mixture and saute it on a low flame.


5. Add all the seasoning powders,kashmiri chili powder,sugar and salt. Slow cooking is very important for this sauce as only then the flavors will be released and retained. 


6. Simmer it on a low flame with pan covered for about 7-8 mins.

7. Add a tbsp of tomato sauce for the right tangy flavor.

8. Steam a glass jar to get rid of any germs or bacteria by immersing the glass jar in a boiling water completely along with the lid carefully using tongs.

9. Transfer the sauce to the glass jar and store it for about a week in refrigerator.

10. You can use this for pizza, pasta, dips, salad dressing. It tastes yummy!!!!!

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