Tuesday 26 February 2019

Semiya Payasam/Vermicelli Kheer

Be it any happy occasion, festivals or pooja at home, sweets are an integral part of south Indian cooking. Kheer is especially made on auspicious days, religious festivals and on any other occasion and offered as naivedya to god. My husband loves kheer and I made this on his birthday as a surprise. We really don't need an occasion to make sweets if we have sweet craving :) do we?? This is a very easy kheer recipe that can be made with easily available ingredients at home quickly. We often make this at home even on ordinary days and have it chilled.

The best part is this can be either served hot or chilled depends on how you prefer. Let's jump to the recipe.

Serves:4 bowls


  1. Roasted Vermicelli - 1 Cup ( I used Bambino Roasted Vermicelli)
  2. Ghee - 1 tbsp + 1 tbsp
  3. water-1/2 cup
  4. Milk-1 litre ( Full fat preferable)
  5. Sugar-3/4 cup
  6. Raisins-2 tbsp
  7. cashews-2 tbsp
  8. cardamom powder-2 tsp


1. Take a thick bottomed pan, wok or kadai. Heat a tbsp of ghee and fry the cashews and raisins until the cashews turn golden brown and the raisins puff up on a medium-low flame. Keep it aside for final garnishing.

2. Add another tbsp of ghee and roast the vermicelli until they turn golden brown. Make sure the flame is medium low and keep stirring it continuously.

3. After it turns slightly golden brown, add water and cook until the vermicelli turns soft. This will take about 5 mins.

4. Add milk completely to the above and cook the vermicelli on medium low flame. Stir the contents intermittently by scraping off the sides of the pan. The cream gets deposited on the sides and hence ensure you keep scraping it off and give a nice stir. Do this until milk is reduced to half the quantity.

5. The milk gets reduced to half the quantity, by now the vermicelli is also cooked nicely and the mixture is thickened well.

6. Add cardamom powder and switch off the flame.

7. Add sugar and mix it well.

8. Garnish with roasted raisins and cashews and serve either hot or chilled :)

Notes,Tips & Add-On's

The kheer becomes thick in consistency with time. You can add milk and sugar and adjust the consistency accordingly.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Keya Chinese Seasoning

This is one of my favorite seasoning when it comes to Indo-Chinese cooking. It is very difficult to get the authentic taste for an Indo Chinese food that matches with the Indian Chinese restaurants here. The reason being - there are few must have ingredients for Chinese cooking which if we skip, will not give us that authentic flavor and taste. It is at times very difficult for me to get hold of celery,chives etc. That s when this product comes in handy for me. So I add a tbsp of this seasoning to my Indo Chinese cooking and the the outcome is really super and authentic. This is definitely one of my favorite in the kitchen.


This is a coarse mixture that also contains Chinese herbs.As you can see, they have used dehydrated garlic,onions,soy,chives,celery and ginger apart from other ingredients. You can add a tbsp of this while sauteing in oil so that it blends beautifully with the dish and the aroma is absorbed. This can also be added to soups, sauces and chilli chutneys and it will enhance the taste brilliantly.


One other important thing which I would like to highlight is the HVP- Hydrolyzed vegetable Protein. This is a taste enhancer much similar to MSG -Mono soda glutamate. I was concerned about the health facts associated with HVP and how different and healthy is it from MSG. I did understand that it is again another from of HVP. So , I suggest that use this very rarely and limit its usage to only Indo- Chinese cooking and not as a daily food routine. In case you are preparing for kids and you are skeptical about using this, you can very well skip it. I use it very occasionally. One bottle lasts me for about 2-2.5 months. 

Friday 15 February 2019

Cauliflower Soup With Caramelized Onions and Roasted Walnuts

Did you know that a boiled and smashed cauliflower can be a very good vegan substitute to a cheese?? Oh yes, I once tried this cauliflower soup and gave it to my sister and immediately she asked me have you added cheese to it?? it looks so cheesy and creamy..:) Now doesn't that sound interesting. Highly healthy and a low carb vegetable can easily be made to replace a cheese. This soup is again another dish to my low-carb series. This is extremely creamy, tastes great and also low in calories. Satiates your hunger and keeps you full in just 2 bowls. What more do you need for an ideal weight loss. Go ahead and try the soup right away which is so simple, comforting and tasty. This is also kid's friendly and can be given to toddlers above 1 year.



  1. cauliflower florets - 1 cup
  2. Onion-1 (thinly sliced)
  3. sugar - 1 tsp
  4. salt - 1 tsp
  5. Walnuts - 1 tbsp
  6. Olive Oil - 1 tbsp
  7. Garlic pods - 4
  8. Salt and pepper to taste
  9. Water - 2 cups + 1 cup

Sauteing of cauliflower and garlic in Olive Oil

Caramelised Onions and Roasted Walnuts


1. soak cauliflower in water for 2 mins. If there are any worms, it would come out. Wash the cauliflower once again.

2. Saute the florets with garlic pods in olive oil for 2 mins in a pan or cooker.

3. Pressure cook for 3 whistles with 2 cups of water. Allow the contents to cool down.

4. Strain the contents and blend them at high speed in a mixer.

5. Transfer the puree to a pan. Add 1 cup of water if required depending on the consistency required for a creamy texture.

6. Add the required amount of salt and pepper and simmer the soup for 5 mins.


  • Heat olive oil in a pan, add onions and walnuts and roast them on low flame. Add a tsp of sugar and tsp of salt.
  • Keep stirring occasionally until the onions shrink and turn in golden brown color as shown in the picture.

Serving suggestion

Add the soup to a bowl, top it with some caramelized onions and walnuts. Serve hot with toasted breads and it tastes just yummmmm. :)

Thursday 14 February 2019

Roasted Red Pumpkin Soup

Red pumpkin is not all that common ingredient in our kitchen. I have not been used t eating this as neither my mom nor my MIL cook red pumpkins. I happened to see the roasted pumpkin soup on TASTY and decided to try it. Luckily, my SIL had bought some fresh organic home grown red pumpkin from her hometown which prompted me to try it right away.

This a very comforting soup especially in winters. It is kids friendly and can be easily given to toddlers above 12 months. This has a mild sweet taste very similar to carrots. Filled with Carotenoid and antioxidants, this a great power booster with high fiber and low calories. Now, doesn't that sound too interesting!!!!

Some of the summarized advantages of Red Pumpkin Soup

  • High Fiber and hence satiates appetite quickly and for long hours keeping you full
  • Extremely low in calories, hence a sin free indulgence and aids very good weight loss
  • Rich in antioxidants and carotenoid
  • Overall a power packed,comforting,easy to make and a tasty soup.


  1. Red Pumpkin - 2 cups (chopped into cubes as shown in pic)
  2. Water - 2 cups + 1 cup
  3. Garlic pods - 4
  4. Olive oil - 2 tbsp
  5. Mixed Italian herbs seasoning - 2 tsp
  6. Salt and Pepper as required


1. Saute Red pumpkin and garlic in olive oil for 2 mins under medium low flame for the raw flavor of pumpkin to go off.

2. Pressure cook with 2 cups of water for 3 whistles.

3. Open after the pressure subsides and allow the contents to cool.

4. Grind the contents to smooth puree in a blender.

5. Transfer the puree to a pan, add 1 more cup of water and adjust water content if required depending on the consistency of the soup required. Do not add too much water that it becomes watery.

6. Add needed salt and pepper as per taste.

7. sprinkle some mixed Italian herbs and serve hot with toasted bread slices.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Paneer Burji Stuffed Peppers - High Protein Pockets

Stuffed peppers is a universally made dish and loved by all. Different countries use different stuffings to make the stuffed peppers. You can stuff rice, cooked rajma or chickpea, quinoa to millets, the variations are innumerable.Cooking is all about creativity and experimentation. So, I decided to make my version of Stuffed peppers with Paneer Burji, This is a protein packed. low carb and a delicious recipe which I consume without having to worry about my weight gain. Let's look into the preparations. I have used Red and yellow peppers as they have a mild sweet taste compared to Green ones which are slightly bitter. You can even use green peppers, but make sure you cook them completely to avoid the bitter taste.

Paneer Burji



  1. Paneer Burji - 2 cups (Check detailed recipe here)
  2. Red Bell pepper - 1 
  3. Yellow pepper - 1 
  4. Olive Oil - 2 tbsp for roasting
  5. Needed salt
Stuffed bell peppers roasted on all sides



1. Cut the bell peppers on the top and deseed the peppers as shown in the pic.

2. Stuff the pepper with paneer burji.

3. Heat a non stick pan, add oil and some salt.

4. Place the stuffed peppers on the pan and roast on all sides. Make sure you roast them by covering the lid of the pan. I have not covered for photography purpose.

5. Roast on all sides with covered lid so that the peppers are nicely roasted, cooked and the skin shrinks as shown in the picture. The entire process will take about 15 mins.

6. Once roasted on all sides, remove from pan and serve hot as shown in the picture.

Paneer Burji - Scrambled Paneer

There is a myth among so many folks that consuming paneer can lead to weight gain which is totally false. Paneer is a major source of protein especially for vegetarians. This is a dish one must definitely include when they are on a weight loss mode. This is also good for bones strength. This is a super food that is not only tasty, but also has various health benefits. This makes you feel sumptuous and satiated quickly and is also a treat to taste buds. These are some of the sin free and guilt free indulgence that leaves you stress free while on a weight loss mode. This is easily a vegetarian substitute for scrambled egg or what is called Egg Bhurji. You can make this and stuff inside sandwich or stuff inside chapati and make paneer chapati rolls. Options are plenty with this recipe. I had made Paneer Burji Stuffed Peppers for a dinner. Check out that recipe as well:)



  1. Paneer/cottage cheese - 250 gms (Grated)
  2. Tomato - 2 (chopped)
  3. Onion - 2 big (chopped)
  4. Cumin seeds - 2 tsp
  5. Oil - 1 tbsp
  6. Green Chili - 1 (finely chopped)
  7. Ginger garlic paste - 2 tsp
  8. Coriander leaves - (chopped) fistful for garnishing
  9. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
  10. Garama masala powder - 1 tsp
  11. Coriander powder - 1 tsp
  12. Chat Masala - 1 tsp
  13. Kashmiri red chili powder - 1 tsp
  14. Needed salt



1. Heat a pan and add oil and cumin seeds. Once cumin seeds crackle, add green chili and chopped onions and ginger garlic paste. Saute well until onions turn translucent.

2. Add tomatoes and all other powders and saute well on a low-medium flame.

3. Cover the lid and cook for 5 mins until the tomatoes are cooked well and mushy.

4. Add grated paneer to the above along with needed salt and give a nice mix.

5. Add chopped coriander for a final garnish.

6. Hot Paneer Burji is now ready to be eaten with your favorite rolls, sandwich, chapati or anything of your choice:):)

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Green Moong Dal and Oats Adai

Never knew a dish which is too good for health can even be tasty until I had this. This is an amazing low carb recipe which satiates your hunger and keeps you full for long hours. Highly rich in proteins and fiber, this aids in weight loss amazingly.There are innumerable benefits of green moong which you can check here. I generally make this for dinner as soon as I come from office. I soak them in the morning and grind them to make a tasty adai batter for dinner. Traditionally, they add some rice while grinding the batter make it more crispier. I have skipped it as this is completely low carb making it a guilt free indulgence. Let's look into the preparation of this healthy adai. This tastes best with coconut chutney,avial or even just plain butter.

Serves: 4 adai/pancakes


  1. Green Moong Dhal - 3/4 cup
  2. Oats - 2 tbsp (I used normal Quaker oats available at supermarket)
  3. Green chili - 1 big
  4. coriander leaves - 1/4 cup (chopped)
  5. Ginger - 1 inch
  6. Jeera - 2 tsp
  7. Onion - 1 big (chopped)
  8. Needed salt


Soaked green moong and oats


1. Soak green moong and oats together with 1.25 cups of water for minimum of 4 hours.

2. Strain them after it has absorbed all water. Grind them with chili and ginger to a fine batter. Do not add any water while grinding. Let the batter be thick.

3. Add chopped onions,coriander leaves and cumin seeds and needed salt to the batter. Mix well.

4. Heat a iron girdle, once hot, take a ladle of the batter and pour it on the girdle. Spread them gently into small thick round shapes. Allow them to cook on a low flame for 5 mins. Drizzle some Olive or Coconut oil on the sides.

5. After 5 mins, flip the adai gently on to next side and cook again until the batter is cooked well.

6. Hot tasty adai is ready to served with your favorite accompaniment.

Batter ready!!!!!

Notes,Tips & Add-On's

  1. You can also grind the coriander leaves along with batter if you do not want to add it separately.
  2. Cooking of adai takes a long time than dosa as it is a thick batter. For better results, cover them with a lid to speeden up the cooking process.
  3. I have paired it with oats, but trust me, you can add any accompaniment of your choice like kollu(horsegram), quinoa,chickpea,millet etc. Soak whatever you like along with green moong and grind them together.