Wednesday 6 February 2019

Paneer Burji Stuffed Peppers - High Protein Pockets

Stuffed peppers is a universally made dish and loved by all. Different countries use different stuffings to make the stuffed peppers. You can stuff rice, cooked rajma or chickpea, quinoa to millets, the variations are innumerable.Cooking is all about creativity and experimentation. So, I decided to make my version of Stuffed peppers with Paneer Burji, This is a protein packed. low carb and a delicious recipe which I consume without having to worry about my weight gain. Let's look into the preparations. I have used Red and yellow peppers as they have a mild sweet taste compared to Green ones which are slightly bitter. You can even use green peppers, but make sure you cook them completely to avoid the bitter taste.

Paneer Burji



  1. Paneer Burji - 2 cups (Check detailed recipe here)
  2. Red Bell pepper - 1 
  3. Yellow pepper - 1 
  4. Olive Oil - 2 tbsp for roasting
  5. Needed salt
Stuffed bell peppers roasted on all sides



1. Cut the bell peppers on the top and deseed the peppers as shown in the pic.

2. Stuff the pepper with paneer burji.

3. Heat a non stick pan, add oil and some salt.

4. Place the stuffed peppers on the pan and roast on all sides. Make sure you roast them by covering the lid of the pan. I have not covered for photography purpose.

5. Roast on all sides with covered lid so that the peppers are nicely roasted, cooked and the skin shrinks as shown in the picture. The entire process will take about 15 mins.

6. Once roasted on all sides, remove from pan and serve hot as shown in the picture.

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