Sunday 22 February 2015

Chole/Channa Masala

Chole or Channa Masala is a dish which I liked since childhood.I am sure everyone gets reminded of the moment we talk about Chole or Channa Masala.This can also be used as a side dish for chappathi and poori.This is one of Kid's most favorite recipe.Let's see how this can be made in a more simple and healthy way.



  1. Channa/Chickpeas - 1 cup 
  2. Garam Masala/Chole Masala powder - 3 tsp
  3. Onion - 2 Medium sized(chopped) 
  4. Tomatoes - 2(chopped) 
  5. Cumin seeds/jeera - 2 tsp 
  6. Ginger garlic paste - 1 tbsp 
  7. Green Chilies - 2 (slit lengthwise) 
  8. Turmeric - 1 tsp 
  9. Coriander Powder - 2 tsp 
  10. Red Chili Powder-2 tsp
  11. Coriander leaves - handful 
  12. Oil - 3 tbsp 
  13. Salt to taste



 1. Soak channa /chole in water overnight on the previous day of cooking.

2. Pressure cook chole with water for 4 whistles. 

3. Strain the chole and keep it aside.

4. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds.Once cumin seeds crackle,add onions and green chilies.

5. Saute onions till they become transparent.

6. Now add tomatoes ,ginger garlic paste and saute well.Allow the tomatoes to be cooked well.

7. Now,add the boiled chole, masala powder,salt,turmeric and red chili powder.

8. Mix the channa gently without smashing it. Ensure the channa is fully covered and mixed with the masala gravy.

9. Add water depending on the consistency required.

10. Cook on low flame for 7 mins.

11. Serve the channa/chole hot seasoned with coriander leaves.

Notes,Tips & Add-On's

  1. You can grind the tomatoes and green chili to a puree and use it as well.
  2. Adding 1/4 tsp cooking soda to chole while pressure cooking will soften the chole easily.
  3. Make sure you don't add too much water that the masala taste goes off.
  4. You can squeeze a tsp of lemon juice to the chole masala while serving.

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