Wednesday 11 February 2015

Peas Pulao

I had some fresh frozen green peas and a bunch of fresh mint leaves. Couldn't resist making this amazing aromatic Mint flavored green peas pulao. Peas as such does not have any great flavor or taste, but when combined with fresh mint leaves and some exotic spice, this pulao is sure to satiate your cravings. Unlike other pulao that are mild, this is comparatively rich in spice, taste, flavor and aroma. A cup of cucumber raita and Peas pulao is a perfect for this season:)



  1. Basmati Rice-1.5 cups
  2. Peas/Mutter - 3/4 cup
  3. Mint leaves - 3/4 cup tightly packed
  4. Onion-2 medium sized (Cut length wise)
  5. Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
  6. Green Chilli-2 
  7. Ghee - 1 tbsp
  8. Thick curd - 1/4 cup
  9. Salt to taste

Masala Ingredients

  1. Cloves-3
  2. Cinnamon stick-2
  3. Bay leaf-1
  4. Star anise-2
  5. Cardamom-2
  6. Shahi jeera- 1 tsp
  7. Fennel Seeds-1/2 tsp
  8. pepper powder-2 tsp
  9. Mace/Japathri -2


1. Soak the Basmati rice for 30 minutes in water.

2. Heat ghee in a pan and add bay leaf to it and saute for a minute.Add fennel seeds and shahi jeera.

3. Once fennel seeds and jeera crackle,add onions,Chillies,masala ingredients and saute everything till the onions turn nice golden brown.

4. Grind the ginger garlic paste, green chili,curd and mint leaves at high speed in a blender.

5. Add the ground mixture to the pan and saute the mixture till the raw flavor goes off.

5. Strain the soaked basmati rice and add it to the above pan.

6. Mix the rice along with the sauteed masala mixture.Ensure the rice is evenly mixed and sauteed on a low flame for 5 mins.

7. Now transfer the content of the pan to a vessel for pressure cooking.

8. Add salt and lemon extract to rice and pressure cook as mentioned here.

9.  Boil the peas with needed salt until they are soft and cooked. Do not over cook that they shrink in size and lose color. They should be in healthy green.

10. Add the boiled peas to the rice at the end, mix well and then serve the pulao with raita.

Notes,Tips & Add-on's

  1. Peas is added at the end so that they are fresh and green in color.If added in the start, they might shrink and loose color.
  2. If you are using frozen peas, microwave for just 1 minute with pinch of salt and add it at the end.
  3. If not using frozen peas, boil the peas with pinch of salt till it is cooked and then add it at the end.

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