Wednesday 11 February 2015

Virgin Mint (Pudhina) Rice

I am a crazy lover of Mint.This mint has got a unique aroma that makes you go crazy about it.I would love to include mint in almost all the dishes i make:P Unfortunately my husband hates it.Whenever I make lunch for me alone, I prepare this mint rice and pack off. You can find this dish under variety rice column in most of the south Indian restaurants.This can be made very easily at home.I always love the virginity of Mint without much add-on's. So, I have kept it simple. Trust me, this will taste divine. Try out at home for one pot meal.



1. Bunch of fresh Pudina/Mint Leaves
2. Raw rice - 1 cup
3. oil - 2 tsp
4. Green chillies – 2
5. Urad dal - 2 tsp
6. Mustard seeds-1 tsp
7. Onions-1 medium sized finely chopped
8. Salt to taste


1. Pressure cook rice for 1: 3 ratio of rice is to water and allow it to dry. 

2. Grind pudina leaves and green chilies together and keep it aside.

3. Take a pan, heat oil and add mustard seeds. After the mustard crackles, add urad dhal, onions and sauté until onions become transparent.

4. Now add the mixed pudhina+chillies combo to the above pan and saute for a minute.

5. Now add the cooked rice and salt to taste. Mix evenly without smashing the rice so that the rice is evenly covered with green pudina mixture.

6. The Mint rice is now ready to be served with pappads and salads :)

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