Wednesday 11 February 2015

Cucumber Mint Cooler

You might have realised by now that how crazy mint fan I am:p. Not just a mint fan but also a crazy lover of yogurt.Well,cucumber mint cooler is a perfect beverage for a scorching summer. I had tasted this for the very first time in a hotel at kochi.They served this for breakfast.I was completely in awe with the taste.There can't be any other cooler that can taste as better as this one.The goodness of yogurt,cucumber and mint combined in one single drink.What more could you ask for this summer...Try out this recipe for this summer and cool your senses.

serves:2-3 glasses


1. Fresh Pudina/Mint Leaves-1/2 cup
2. Cucumber-1 (sliced)
3. Yoghurt/Fresh Curd-3/4 Cup
4. Green chilli – 1
5. Salt to taste


1. Take fresh pudina leaves,cucumber,yoghurt and green chillies and grind it in a mixer along with the salt to taste at a high speed.

2. Serve the above combo chilled :)

Notes,Tips & Add On(s):

You can also squeeze lemon to the above beverage to bring a much more tangy taste. :)

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