Monday 16 February 2015

Cream of French Onion

This is one of the most favorite soup for both my husband and myself. I remember having this soup for the very first time at Hotel Saravana Bhavan in chennai.I was completely addicted to its  rich creamy taste.Unfortunately, this soup has been removed from the menu card and I no longer find them serving this.Whichever restaurant i go, i hunt for this soup in the restaurant menu card and its always missing.Then I decided, why not make this soup at home and relish it to heart's content.I prepared this soup for my husband's birthday and he liked it so much.

This recipe is completely conceived by me after several trials and attempts. I did google for various french soup recipes across globe and then came out with the vegetarian version of this soup that is sure to leave you cheese bombed. Trust me, this is a fool proof and a tested recipe that came out really well and delicious.  Try out this soup right away and let me know your feedback in comments.

serves:4 -5 bowls


  1. Onions- 2 Medium (thinly sliced lengthwise)
  2. Spring onions- 3 (onion part thinly sliced)
  3. Spring onion greens - 2 tbsp (chopped finely)
  4. Sugar - 1 tsp
  5. cashews - 2 tbsp
  6. Maida/All purpose flour - 2 tbsp
  7. Butter-2 tbsp + 2 tbsp
  8. Processed Cheese- 2 cubes( I used amul cheese cubes)
  9. Fresh Cream - 200 ml
  10. Milk - 1 Cup
  11. Water - 1 cup
  12. Garlic paste - (4 garlic pods ground with little water)
  13. Salt and pepper to taste


  • Bread-2(corners removed and sliced into desired shape)
  • Butter-2 tsp
  • Cheese grated - 2 cubes

Heat Butter in a pan

Fry Cashews until light golden brown

Set aside for final garnishing

Fry Onions until caramelized

Preparation of soup base

Toast bread circles on pan with butter

Add grated cheese

Close and simmer for cheese to melt


1. Heat 2 tbsp of butter in a pan, Add the cashews and fry them on medium low flame until they turn light golden brown in color. Keep it aside for final garnishing.

2. Add both onions ,spring onions (both greens and onions) and sugar and saute on a slow flame for 5-6 minutes till the onions shrink and turn golden brown. Sugar helps the onions to get caramelized(as shown in the pic).

2. Keep the caramelized onions separately.

3. Add 2 tbsp butter again and add maida, garlic paste and roast them in butter.

4. Add milk, fresh cream and cheese cubes and give it a nice mixing. Ensure the maida mixes with milk without any lumps. Keep the flame in medium for the soup to reach a thick creamy consistency.

5. Add required salt and pepper and stir well.

6. Toast the bread slices with butter in a pan till it becomes crisp and slight golden brown on both sides. 

7. Add grated cheese on to the bread and cover lid for the cheese to melt.

Serving Method

Take a bowl of the prepared soup, add some caramelized onions, fried cashews, top it with cheese bread slices and serve hot :) Gooey cheese french onion soup is all ready to be relished :)

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